I follow Eric Lacombe on Facebook, and I very much look forward to all the images and videos he shares of his artwork. He’s got a very distinct dark style to his paintings, and you can check out his galleries on his web site:
Monthly Archives: May 2015
Let me start over…
Long time visitors are going to feel a bit disoriented, disappointed, disillusioned, or otherwise dissed today because the rest of my blog just disappeared. First let me apologize and assure you that this change was intentional and not the result of me screwing up my blog. You know, like all those other times in the past when I screwed it up.
Part of what motivated me to take this drastic step is that as I’ve moved this site from one host to the next, there’s always some sort of technical gotcha that’s made the transfer fail. Sure, I read the documentation and tried to follow the instructions, but it never really worked out like I hoped. The only time that didn’t happen is when the techs working for Infinity Cloud did the transfer for me, and those poor souls went out of business. (A damn shame, really, because they were great people to work with. (Not that my current host is bad, mind you. But they did make me do my own blog transfer, and look how that turned out. *Sighs*))
The rest of the times, the only reason I could still recover the site is that I never gave up on updating my mirror at the WP-hosted address. This recovery method has problems because when I import the files over to this site, I’m not actually importing the graphics to the new server. There’s now this forced connection between the two sites, and to fix that kind of thing would take a long time. I’m far behind on several other projects that should have been done already, so I’m not too keen to get all up in the guts of my blog to untwist the kinky bits of code.
The other reason is more a matter of my changing perspective. In the last few years, I’ve tended to look at some of my older rants and think, “Wow, I really was too pissed to think straight, wasn’t I?” Being angry is one thing, but being incoherent to the point where I can’t find the connection from one idea to the next is…well, it’s cringe inducing. Continue reading